2019 Planet Comicon Schedule

We’re loaded in! I get to spend the weekend with Jordan, Jeremy & Shannon. Heh. Planet Comicon will never be the same. Come on by and see us! We’ll be at booth P26 doing FX demos all weekend long. #PlanetComicon #PCKC #ColleensGuerrillaFX #CGFX

CGFX Schedule
12 pm Booth P26
Airbrush temp tatts
We will be demonstrating airbrush temporary tattoos. Come by and get one! We’ll have ’em availabel all weekend.

Stage Demo at the PEZ Stage
Airbrush FX cyborg makeup
Airbrush can accomplish many looks, from glamor to gruesome. Here, we’ll be demonstrating how to do a cyborg.

Making a blood pump Booth P26
Every wonder how they make things bleed in films? This demo will show you how to build your own blood pump and how to use it.

Punching hair Booth P26
Making realistic masks, props and prosthetics means you need to know how to make the hair look real, too. This demo will show you how to punch hair into your project, creating a very realistic experience for your audience.

Room 2502A
Finding Your Passions Through Your Fandoms
I’m super excited to be part of this panel, along with some of the coolest and most talented filmmakers in KC!

3pm Booth P26
Applying silicone prosthetics 
Silicone is the most realistic FX medium on the market, but it takes a bit of skill and know-how to pull it off. This demo will show you how to apply silicone prosthetics.

4pm Booth P26
Cuts, contusions and bruises (oh my!) 
Working with several different types of products, this demo will give you a well-rounded view on how to use rigid collodion, silicone, blood and bruise wheels.

11 am Booth P26
Watermelon makes excellent prosthetics 
Watermelon is a liquid vinyl that is taking the effects industry by storm. It’s similar to latex, but so much more versatile. You’ll fall in love and we’ll show you how.

1pm Booth P26
Making creepy eyes
Ever wonder how to make eyes for your puppets, critters and monsters that will freak people out? This demo will show how to create simple and effective eyes that actual watch and follow you, also called “follow me eyes”. We will have some for sale, too!

3pm Stage Demo at the PEZ Stage
Toilet paper FX
This is a demo on how to create effects with toilet paper. We will demonstrate a zombie, cuts, contusions and other quick and easy effects you can create easily with ordinary toilet paper, home-made (non-toxid) blood, latex, and a little makeup most people have around their house.

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