CGFX Video Gallery

How about a couple of videos to rock your day? This is the place to enjoy some FX and makeup videos I’ve done. You can also find videos of movies I’ve made with my effects makeup. Enjoy!

Behind The Scenes

Effects Videos by Colleen


Nailbiter Feature Film

Throbbing Arm

Melky Short Film

Head Bash

Cheshire Sara

Face Off Audition

Heart In Hand

FX Award Created for Scare Actor of the Year

This beating heart was also used in the music video Heart of a Pig by Mac Lethal

Films & Videos I’ve helped create with my FX magic

Heart of a Pig

Music video by Mac Lethal

The Stylist

Short film by Jill Gevargizian

Call Girl

Short film by Jill Gevargizian

One Last Meal

Short film by Jill Gevargizian

I’m Ready

Music video by Loogey

Albino Farm

Feature film


For more info on the films I’ve helped create, please visit my IMDB.